Well incase you didn’t know Balance is a big fan of the environment. We have always felt that Longboarding is one of the greenest ways to get around town, but now we have a few more things to show for it.
Fist off we have a new option for out layout process. Through out our board making process we end up with a few odd and end scraps hanging out in our shop. We are now offering this as a complete layout for any of our models. At first I just through some random scraps together to test out a new deck idea, but once the deck was pressed I loved the randomness of the layout. Having stringers of Maple, Sapelle, Lyptus, and whatever other hardwoods we have available in our shop in a random pattern creates even more of an organic feel to the decks. The boards are still beautiful, just Momma Earth will end up thanking you as well. Choose this layout option and we will knock $5 off of any deck, just as a thanks for thinking of the environment while you ride.
Secondly we have teamed up with the Arbor Day Foundation (www.arborday.org) for there Rain Forest Rescue Program. For each board you purchase from Balance, 250 square feet of Rainforest will be saved. All of our decks are obviously made from wood and wood comes from trees. We are just trying to do our part to replenish the resources we are using. And just to show our commitment we are going to do this for every board we have ever sold. Thanks for supporting Balance and Momma Earth!!
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